Tag: Balinese Living Arts show
Bali, Ubud is recognized as the island’s hub for arts, cultures, beliefs, rituals and spirits that are still well preserved as part of the day to day living.
Desa Visesa Ubud yang merupakan salah satu destinasi baru yang dikelilingi oleh alam khas pedesaan, membangkitkan kembali tradisi dan kebudayaan masa lalu yang mulai terlupakan.
Desa Visesa is proudly presents the Balinese Living Arts show performance inspired by beliefs, rituals and spirits behind day to day life in the village, this performance comes to life amongst the rice paddies in Desa Visesa - immerse yourself into the vivant tableaus in Puri Kantor.
Terinsipirasi oleh kepercayaan, ritual dan kehidupan sehari- hari masyarakat pedesaan Bali, Desa Visesa mempersembahkan pertunjukkan “Balinese Living Arts”.
Desa Visesa is proudly presents the Balinese Living Arts show performance inspired by beliefs, rituals and spirits behind day to day life in the village, this performance comes to life amongst the rice paddies in Desa Visesa - immerse yourself into the vivant tableaus in Puri Kantor.
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Nusa Ning Nusa
Tradisi Makanan Bergizi, Bukan karena Gratis
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